
I've been watching GH since right before Luke and Laura got married - the first time. I was 8 years old, and have been a fan ever since. There have been gaps in my viewing, sometimes for years. You know how life can get in the way. But since the invention of TiVo, I'm back to my daily addiction. Although there have been many times I have been frustrated as far as storylines and characters, I can honestly say I love this show! This blog is a way for me to express that love and frustration. Enjoy!
One last thing, please feel free to leave comments on my entries, but I have to ask that you keep your language clean! And don't bag on each other. Everyone's entitled to their opinion.

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Friday, June 11, 2010

Wk Ending 6/11/10

The week started with Sonny asking Carly if he was ever abusive to her. Really, Sonny? Ok I get it, you never hit a woman. You've said it like 872 times in the last few months. But how is it that anyone wouldn't understand VERBAL abuse and that its effects are often just as lasting as physical abuse. I like that Carly told him he was, but then she quantified by saying they were abusive to each other, somewhat letting him off the hook - AGAIN! After his little talk with Carly, Sonny starts to see what everyone is saying and makes an offer to Kristina to go back to counseling with her. She declines, telling Sonny that he is not “misunderstood” like Michael, and she's not going to let him use her therapy to make himself feel better. RIGHT ON!! Kristina then pays Micheal a visit in jail and proceeds to run Sonny down. As if on cue, Micheal defends their father. Simultaneously (did they carpool?), Sonny visits with Jason and asks Jason is something is going on with Carly. Hello? Jason is locked up! Why don't you try finding out for yourself. God, even with Jason in prison, Sonny still expects him to do everything. As it turns out, Carly is still busy scheming against Dante and Lulu and even tries to recruit Johnny, but he’s not interested.

Kristina is confronted by a couple of classmates who lay into her regarding Kiefer. Johnny shows up, pretends to be her boyfriend and scares them off. This is what starts a little idea in Kristina's head about creating a ruse where Johnny pretends to date her to make her father angry. With everything else Johnny is doing lately to take Sonny down, I don't see him refusing this offer.
Tracy and Luke are still trapped in a cell thanks to Helena. Tracy's illness is getting worse which leads to a funny dream sequence of her marriage ceremony to Luke: Tracy and Luke in some sort of cowboy getup, swaying in their drunkenness and professing their love. This then leads to a real moment where she and Luke “renews their vows”, right before Tracy takes a turn for the worst. Luke is so worried, he confesses that they were never legally married. Tracy is not at all happy about this and although Luke then goes on to profess his love, she ain’t buying it. Meanwhile Lucky has made his way to the island where Tracy and Luke are being held, but when he runs into Nicholas, he runs into a brick wall. Nick refuses to let Lucky search the island then has one of his hired goons escort Luck off. I don’t know how I feel about his dark and twisty Nicholas. It doesn’t feel authentic to me.

In Carly’s spare time (Who’s taking care of Jocelyn?) she was able to fit in some apartment hunter and snared the apartment across the hall from Dante for Brook Lyn. Speaking of, how many elevators does Dante's building have? He has one that takes him right into his apartment and then a door to a hallway that he apparently now shares with Brooke. I'm no architect, but how is that possible? Brook, in the meantime, is laying on the Bensonhurst/good old days stories a bit thick in an attempt to make a connection with Dante that's stronger than the one he has with Lulu. And don't even get me started on the whole Brook Lyn in a towel bit. So weak! So obvious! Lulu spots Dante trying to pick the lock with Brook standing over him wearing only one of Dante's shirts and she gets a clue about what Brook is up to. Later when Brook returns the shirt (freshly laundered and pressed, no less!), Lulu decides to lay some ground rules and basically tells Brook that the days of her unannounced visits, especially while draped in nothing but a towel, have come to an end. I can't wait until this all blows up in Carly's face - and it always does! Carly is all over the place these days; scheming against Dante and Lulu, creating fake opportunities to "run in" Jax, and dealing with Sonny. I think she's gonna blow soon.

Michael tells Jason what Carter did to him - sort of. He doesn't mention being raped, but he seems so torn up about it that I'm not sure if there is supposed to be more implied. Jason continues to teach Micheal the moves on how to defend himself which starts Micheal wondering why he needs to learn how to fight if Jason is around. Jason’s silence tips Micheal off that Jason could be spending some time in solitary after he takes care of Carter. Jason is then called away by a guard which leads Carter to believe can have another crack at Michael. In the nick of time Jason returns (doesn’t he always?) and scares Carter off. Later in the showers, Jason takes care of Carter, but before Carter dies he has some parting words for Jason: “Franco says hi”.

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